The Gun Powder Girls

Staying Prepared: Door-to-Door Safety Tips for Women

At Gun Powder Girls, we believe in empowering women to protect themselves in every aspect of life, including unexpected encounters at the doorstep. In this blog post, we’ll discuss protection behavior that you need to make second-nature. This will help you stay prepared and ensure your safety when dealing with door-to-door salesmen or potential scammers. By using discernment, employing context clues, and following expert advice from law enforcement, you can navigate these encounters confidently and make informed decisions to protect yourself.

On this one, I’m going to give you a recent personal experience. I recorded a little video immediately to remind myself of the scenario to be able to share with y’all and to tell my mom.

I’m a remote worker and have been for the last 15 years. In that time, I’ve encountered quite a few uninvited arrivals of door-to-door solicitors. And of those times they have always been men except for a couple times. Be it a man or woman, I hardly ever open the door. I have hell hounds (pit bulls) and clear signage by the door not to trespass, solicit, or leave anything. Aside from the obvious reasons, my dogs bark at the slightest door noise so if people STILL bother to knock past all that, they may have a valid reason.

On one particular day, a guy knocked on my door. I peeked out and saw he had on “worker” regalia. One of my dogs was so loud, I couldn’t hear his spiel so I told him to hold on. I ran and looked out the other windows and noticed at least three service trucks and several other workers. I headed to my garage but on the way, I grabbed my little purse .380 and put it in the pocket of my leggings. Figuring all of this was legit, I went out my garage which let me approach him from behind.

I got his attention and he turned to face me. I kept my stance relaxed but ready. I didn’t tell you that he was holding a crowbar! He said they were working with the city to test and clear manholes and wondered if there were any in our back yard. There are not. I informed him of this and he went to leave. I backed away from him and didn’t turn my back. My hand stayed in my packet on the ready…but was not tense. He did look back once, probably finding it odd that I was backing away, but he kept going. I lowered my garage door and went back inside.

I tell this story to give a real life example of trying to stay ready so I don’t have to get ready. Here are more ways to remain on point:

Trust Your Instincts: Your intuition is a powerful tool. If something feels off or suspicious about the person at your door, trust your gut feeling. Your safety is paramount, and it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Keep Weapons Handy: While we don’t advocate using firearms in all situations, having a self-defense weapon within reach can provide a sense of security. Consider non-lethal options like pepper spray, a personal alarm, or a self-defense tool that suits your comfort level and local regulations.

Verify Legitimacy: Don’t hesitate to ask for identification and verify the person’s credentials. Call the company they claim to represent to ensure they have employees in your area. Use online resources to cross-reference the information provided and confirm their legitimacy.

Request Contact Information: If you’re unsure or uncomfortable, ask the person to leave a business card or informational pamphlet on your doorstep. Assure them that you’ll reach out if you’re interested, but emphasize that you won’t be opening the door at the moment.

Maintain Awareness: Avoid appearing as an easy target by being alert and visible inside your home. Keep curtains open during the day, use exterior lighting, and make occasional noise to signal that someone is present. This can deter potential burglars or intruders who target empty houses.

Communicate Clearly: If you feel threatened or in danger, confidently inform the person that you are calling the police. Mentioning that you have a gun, and if applicable, making the distinct sound of racking a shotgun, can act as a deterrent.

Seek Support: Stay connected with your local law enforcement agencies. They often provide valuable safety resources and can offer specific advice tailored to your community. Familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers and programs available to enhance your security.

Being prepared and staying vigilant when dealing with door-to-door salesmen or potential scammers is crucial for personal safety. By using discernment, verifying identities, and following expert advice from law enforcement, you can confidently protect yourself and your home. Remember, your safety is a priority, and at Gun Powder Girls, we’re here to equip you with the knowledge and skills to stay prepared in any situation.

Written by Raquel Eldridge-Gradnigo
Published July 2023