The Gun Powder Girls

Women Travelers: Staying Safe and Preventing Exploitation Abroad

Traveling abroad can be an incredibly enriching experience, but it’s important for women to be aware of the potential risks they may encounter in unfamiliar environments.

Unfortunately, some individuals may target women travelers with the intention of exploiting them, including situations that involve blackmail or extortion. In this blog post, we will discuss indispensable steps recommended by law enforcement agencies to help women travelers deescalate threatening situations and seek assistance through appropriate channels, such as the US Embassy or an international attorney based in their home state. By staying informed and prepared, women can mitigate risks and ensure their safety while enjoying their travels.

Research Your Destination: Before embarking on your journey, thoroughly research your destination to gain an understanding of its cultural norms, local laws, and potential risks for travelers. Familiarize yourself with common scams or tactics used to exploit tourists, particularly women. Knowledge is a powerful tool in staying ahead and protecting yourself. For instance, in Paris, the Eiffel Tower area is known for pickpocketing. In Dubai/UAE there are known scams that deal with creating vehicle accidents to “press charges” and inevitably try to extort thousands of dollars from people they feel are wealthy in order to drop those charges.

Stay Vigilant and Trust Your Instincts: Maintain a high level of situational awareness throughout your trip. Trust your gut and be cautious of individuals who show excessive interest in your personal life, offer unsolicited help, or seem overly friendly. If something feels off, remove yourself from the situation and seek a safe environment.

Blend In and Dress Appropriately: Respecting local customs and traditions can help you avoid unwanted attention. Dress modestly and appropriately for the culture you are visiting. By blending in with the local population, you are less likely to draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Also avoid an exorbitant amount of picture taking. It gives, “I ain’t never been nowhere,” which makes you stick out. Capture moments like a photographer and not a tourist. There is a difference.

Be Mindful of Your Social Media Presence: Exercise caution when sharing personal information or details of your travel plans on social media platforms. Broadcasting your location and activities, particularly in real time, can make you an easy target for individuals with malicious intent. Consider adjusting your privacy settings or sharing updates only with trusted friends and family. Additionally, send one pic to your trusted home-based person directly at every stop. This creates a tour of your locations with time stamp. It doesn’t have to be posted, yet. But do share. Also, you can smart tag yourself so trusted people can follow your movement through an app.

Stay Connected and Share Itinerary: If you’re the type to schedule your every move during trips, share your intended itinerary with your trusted person. From your flight out to your flight back. If those plans change (weather or transportation issues, perhaps), shoot them a quick COP (Change of Plan) text. Regular check-ins help, too. Perhaps a good night text with a different code word for every day. If the code word is wrong or missing, your trusted person can raise an alarm if needed.

Utilize Trusted Transportation Services: When using transportation services, opt for reputable companies or official taxis. Avoid unlicensed or unmarked vehicles, especially when traveling alone at night. If possible, prearrange transportation through your hotel or hired tour guides.

Deescalate Threatening Situations: If you find yourself in a potentially threatening situation, remain calm and focused. Try to deescalate the situation by staying cooperative, but assertive. Use clear communication to express your boundaries and make it known that you will not tolerate harassment or exploitation.

Seek Assistance from the US Embassy: If you encounter serious threats or extortion attempts, reach out to the nearest US Embassy or Consulate for support and guidance. They can provide valuable resources, including access to legal assistance, local law enforcement contacts that can be better trusted, and other forms of aid to help ensure your safety.

Involve an International Attorney: In situations involving extortion or blackmail, it may be necessary to seek legal counsel from an international attorney based in your home state. They can provide guidance on legal rights, help navigate local laws, and offer advice on resolving the situation effectively. An international lawyer is trained in law to resolve international disputes for businesses, trade, civil, and criminal cases.

Go Where They Want You: Travel to places that eagerly desire your presence. Reduce the potential for having your voice ignored or under-valued by avoiding places that have proven to be less welcoming of people of color. While you may want to see certain sights, the legal system and cultural designations in those places might not care at all to accommodate you in a way that makes you feel safe or makes you feel as if you can report dangerous activity without being dismissed.

While it’s unfortunate that women travelers may face exploitation and blackmail attempts, it’s crucial to empower ourselves with knowledge and take proactive measures to protect our safety and well-being. By staying aware and following these best-practice steps, we can minimize risks and enjoy fulfilling and secure travel experiences. By all means, catch those flights, sis!  Remember, reaching out to appropriate authorities and seeking assistance is crucial in such situations. Let’s create a community where women can explore the world confidently while safeguarding their rights and dignity.

Written by Raquel Eldridge-Gradnigo
Published July 2023